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We have prepared information packs tailored with information specific to your state. Please select your state to download the relevent PDF.

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Term 1, 2025

Enrolments Open

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5000+ students have enjoyed the Full Spectrum experience!

Each one-on-one session focuses on classroom content, assessments and assignments, revision and exam preparation.

Our individualised program can be delivered via online session or in-home.

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Get involved now!

We don't tell students what to do,
we teach them how to do it.

At Full Spectrum Education we are a team of driven, passionate educators.
Our goal is to harness our qualified teaching abilities to effectively elevate our students learning abilities.


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Select your education level and state below to get a detailed
breakdown of our individualised services

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Parents Trust Us 

What value do you place on your child's success?

We ask this question of all our potential clients - parents just like you, who want only the best for their children and their future. It’s an interesting thought to ponder, because like all things in life, the answer is relative.

Do you value it enough to seek professional one-on-one educational care?

Do you value it enough to realise that ‘the system’ caters for the group, and that the individual needs extra attention?

Do you value it enough to give your child an unfair advantage - no matter their current academic level?

Take a look at our pricing options and see how Full Spectrum Education can benefit your child today.


About Us

Full Spectrum Education is an individualised academic educational company, aiming to empower each student to reach their individual potential. We focus on working to complement and support the student's school curriculum and exam schedule.


Easy Enrolment

Enrolling your child with Full Spectrum Education is a simple and easy 3 step process:


Sign Up

Fill out the enquiry form



We will be in touch as soon as possible to discuss your educational needs



Organise a suitable time for a consultation with our Director of Education

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The 2024 test results for civics show just 28 per cent of Year 10 students and 43 per cent of Year 6 students are proficient.

School is about more than Maths & Literacy. Our early schooling system provides a key groundwork for understanding the wider world. Our Educators have qualifications covering a wide range of subject areas & can help no matter where a student feels they need a boost. Contact us for a free consultation anytime.

Do you spend more time "managing" behavior than teaching? Are you exhausted by the time you reach the holidays?

Imagine a school where students, parents, teachers, and leaders joyfully take responsibility for their own choices, behavior, and learning because they have mastered connection. Through the lens of applied neuroscience, Loving our Students on Purpose will empower you with the tools to shift from the weariness of reactive behavior management to purposeful behavior education, which will result in teachers enjoying teaching and students enjoying learning.

Loving our Students on Purpose has everything you need to stay connected with your students whilst they learn from their mistakes. You will never argue with a student (or parent) again!

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