Homeschooling in Australia is growing at a rapid rate. Nationally, homeschooling numbers have doubled and these numbers are increasing every day. Among the benefits of homeschooling is the flexibility that comes with a learning program tailored to suit the individual child and delivered in a supportive home environment.
Qualified tutors are a wonderful asset to homeschooling students as they can tailor their service to suit your childs individual requirements and goals. In many situations, tutoring has a place to support students being homeschooled at any time. Like all other situations with children in school, homeschool parents will need help with a given subject, or help with a child who is not grasping reading with the approach being used with the home curriculum.
Every student learns differently, and homeschooling provides a special opportunity to accommodate a child’s unique needs. Here are 9 benefits of homeschooling to consider.
A benefit of homeschooling is the ability to customise homeschooling to a students learning style. There are also ways to tailor homeschooling for children who are behind, gifted or advanced, who have ADD/ADHD, and special needs.
You can help your child learn at the pace and level they are ready for and to a schedule that works best for your child and your family.
You can choose from a variety of homeschooling styles or approaches. You can help your child with contextual learning or by pursuing passions. Many parents find interest-led learning leads to developing skills and knowledge across all academic areas. Rather than focusing on weaknesses in a way that can make a child lose confidence, a benefit of homeschooling is strengths-based learning.
Children who have a passion for music, art or sports, can practice at any time which does not fit into a normal school routine.
If a child is struggling with anxiety, social anxiety, depression, or challenges to brain health, a benefit of homeschooling is the opportunity to focus on mental and emotional well-being. Parents can make therapy, coping skills, and medical care the priority, which will then enable the academic growth they hope to see in their child.
Growing up in a close family helps build healthy social connections. Parents, grandparents, and other relatives are role models, can impart values, can work through conflicts positively, and can coach behaviour.
Your child can move more, play outside, spend extra time on things like dance and sports, connect with nature, move while learning academics, and gain confidence with time for skills practice.
Some people are roadschooling or boatschooling with their children; some families have one parent living away or travelling. This gives parents the freedom to homeschool on a schedule that works for them.
Homeschooling means you’re not tied to the timing of the school bus or school schedule. Plan your homeschooling schedule so it works for your family. You can homeschool at night, on any kind of weekly schedule or yearly schedule.
So how can tutoring help the homeschool family? We can:
Our teachers take the time to come to your home and find the best ways to connect with your student. We believe getting them on track means
meeting them where they are.